Monday, July 11, 2011

P. Mike's First Post.

I had asked a leader to post on our blog but Colleen is outside sharing the gospel with two neighbor hood boys and Kyle is reading his bible. Both of these activities are probably not worthy of interrupting to ask if they could please blog. The week has just started in a lot of ways and to be able to comment on how this group of students from Manitowoc are doing would be hard. I can say that our church time together tonight was really amazing and students lives are definitely being changed. It's amazing at times to be able to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit at work in  these young lives. I'm absolutely sure and confident in God and His plan for us this week. All of the students have been well behaved and kind and respectful to everyone we have come into contact with. But these are just the least of things. I'm excited and humbled by our Creator. I'm amazed and I marvel at how He works all things for His Glory. Please continue to be in prayer for the students of Faith Church.
- Pastor Mike

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